Artists Sisters Portrait (Ellen Edelfelt). 57x45cm. 1876 |
Ellen Edelfelt. Close-up |
At the piano. 1884. oil on canvas. Close-up |
Professor Runabergs Portrait |
Writer Leclerqis Portrait. 1897.
Oil on canvas. 60x40 cm |
Carl Albert Edelfelts Portrait
(Albert Edelfelts father) 1883 |
Annie Edelfelts Portrait (Alberts sister) 1883 |
Alexandra Edelfelts portrait. 1883
Oil on canvas .82x60cm |
Alfred Koechlin-Scwartzs portrait. 1880.
Oil on canvas. 115x98cm |
Aukusti Uotilas Portrait. Study for the Karl
Fleming painting, 1878. 27x22cm. Oil on canvas |
Pasteurs Portrait Sketch. 1885 61x51cm |
Portrait of Louis Pasteur. 1885.
Oil on canvas. 154x126 cm |
Johan August von Born Land Marshall. Oil on canvas. 125x95cm |
Therese Schiefners Portrait. 1885
Oil on canvas. 96x72cm |
Waldemar Ekelund. 1877 .Oil on canvas. 80x67cm |
Emelie von Etters portrait, 1880, oil on canvas 60x54 |
Berta Edelfelts Portrait (Alberts sister) 1876 39x36cm |
Berta Edelfelts Portrait
1884. Oil on canvas. 60x45cm |
La Marguerite 1879 |
Selfportrait in 17th century costume. 65x75cm. Oil on canvas |
Laris Paraske Sings Requiems. Oil on canvas. 37x63cm. 1893 |
Ida Aspelin-Haapakyläs portrait, 1878 62x47 |
Karelian Without an Eye, Preliminary
Work for Burned Village. Oil on canvas. 53x41cm |
Portrait of Jean Baptiste Pasteur |
Portrait of Fredrika Snygg (Tatja).
1880, Oil on wood 32x24cm |
Mme Weissgerber de Stragewiczis Portrait
1887. 115x80cm. Pastel |
Carl Gustaf Estlanders Portrait. 1896 |
Joachim Kurtens Portrait |
Painter P.-A.-J. Dagnan-Bouerets Portrait.
1881. Oil on canvas 98x80cm |
Anna Sinebrychoffes Portrait
1884. 129x125 |
Brunette. 1885. Oil on
canvas 56x38 cm |
Self Portrait |
Gustaf Philip Armfelts portrait
1878. Oil on canvaso 56x46cm |
|  |
Potrait of Adolf von Becker |
Singer Aino
Actes Portrait |
Harava Tyttö, study for
august. 1886,.oil on wood. 40x31cm |
Portrait of Actress Hedvig
Raa-Winterhjelm. 1876.
92x72cm. Oil on canvas |
Polish Rabbi, Oil on
cnavas, 55x38cm |
Portrait de Jeune Femme. 46x38cm |
Zachri Topeliukses Portrait |
Parisian Woman. Pastel on
paper mounted on canavs.
67x54cm |
Girl and Cat. 1881. Oil on
canvas. 46x37cm |
Old Woman with Pare
Basket 1882. Oil on canvas. 83x61cm |
Side View of Young Woman
1882. Pastel on paper 63x49cm |
Portrait of a Young Woman |
Sculptor Ville Vallgren and His Wife
Artist Antoinette Räström. 1886. Oil
on canvas. 116x139 cm |
Larin Paraske Sings
Spells. 82x52cm. 1893
Oil on canvas |
Voldemar Carl von Daehn. 1899 | |